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I was like “they’re
coming at eleven o’clock “
I said “they’re coming
at eleven o’clock”
Do you use BE LIKE to report what someone said? Thirty years ago few people had heard be like used this way. For young English speakers today, though, BE
LIKE has taken over from SAY as the most frequent quotative form. This means
that researchers interested in how language changes spread through a language
can compare its use by different generations of speakers.
Durham and her colleagues note that the most detailed research of this kind comes from Canada. Researchers there have found a strong
sex difference emerging as the frequency of BE LIKE increases, with younger
generations of female speakers using the new form more often than male
speakers. They also found that the kind of quote that BE LIKE introduces
changes over the generations: the first
uses of quotative BE LIKE were with a sound indicating the speaker’s state of
mind, as in I was like “ugh”, but it
was soon also used to introduce reported thought (what someone was thinking), as in I was like “never again”. Only with
later generations of speakers is BE LIKE used more often to introduce what someone said (direct
speech) than what someone was thinking.
Durham and her research team analysed the quotative forms
used by different generations of undergraduates at the University of York in
the UK, to see whether BE LIKE has followed the same pathways of change in York
as in Canada. As in Canada, in York the frequency of BE LIKE had soared in just
one generation of speakers. In Canada BE LIKE represented 13 per cent of the different
quotative forms used by students in 1995; by 2003, the proportion had soared to
63 per cent. In York, too, there was a dramatic increase in the frequency of BE
LIKE across the generations, from 19 per cent in 1996 to 68 per cent in 2006.
In both locations, then, BE LIKE had taken over from SAY and other quotative verbs
to become the most popular quotative form.
However, these figures hide different trajectories of language
change. Unlike Canada, in York the difference in the use of BE LIKE by female
and male speakers had decreased
between 1996 and 2006 rather than increased. And in York, students in both 1996 and 2006 used
BE LIKE the same way – slightly more often to introduce reported thought than direct speech. Across the generations they also continued to use BE
LIKE more often with first person subjects and more often in the present tense.
In both 1996 and 2006 students in York used SAY and other quotative verbs more
often in the past tense.
The researchers point out that the sex differences between
Canada and the UK, though interesting, are unremarkable. They fit with previous research showing that
as BE LIKE spreads around the English-speaking world it acquires different
social meanings that reflect local social contexts. This results in different social
and stylistic patterns in the use of the form from one community to another.
The differences between Canada and the UK in the linguistic
effects on the use of BE LIKE are important, though, for our understanding of
how changes spread through a language. What has happened in York is consistent with
the findings of many researchers working on other kinds of syntactic change in the
history of English: successive generations may use a new form more frequently,
but they continue to use it in the same linguistic contexts. This is known as
the constant rate effect: in other
words, as different generations of children acquire the form BE LIKE they also
learn the linguistic contexts associated with its use.
Durham and her colleagues suggest, then, that what has
happened to BE LIKE in Canada is an exception. They predict that as BE LIKE
evolves and spreads in other English-speaking communities around the world it
will follow similar pathways of change to what was observed in York: people
will use it with increasing frequency but the linguistic effects that constrain
its use will remain the same.
This sets an intriguing challenge, then, for researchers
elsewhere in the English-speaking world – we’re like “we want to know what
happens to BE LIKE”!
To listen to sound clips featuring BE LIKE and other quotatives go to our English Language Teaching Resources website http://linguistics.sllf.qmul.ac.uk/english-language-teaching/language-materials
To listen to sound clips featuring BE LIKE and other quotatives go to our English Language Teaching Resources website http://linguistics.sllf.qmul.ac.uk/english-language-teaching/language-materials
This summary was written by Jenny Cheshire
I'd be interested to see quotative BE LIKE charted against quotative GO. If "So he goes, 'Take a walk'" is easily available, maybe it competes with "So he was like, 'Take a walk'" (as well of course with SAY and other options).