
Welcome to the Linguistics Research Digest! The Digest was originally set up by Sue Fox, Jenny Cheshire (both at Queen Mary, University of London) and Paul Kerswill (University of York) and was part of a larger project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) called From Sociolinguistic Research to English Language Teaching - you can find out more about the project here. 

The Digest is now run by the Department of Linguistics as part of Teach Real English! — a collection of English language teaching resources for A-level English Language teachers and students.  

The Digest aims to provide up-to-date reports on the latest research papers on language issues in an engaging, jargon-free way. We'll be checking the many scientific journals for articles that are interesting, thought-provoking and/or use innovative methods. The Digest is of course for anyone with an interest in language but we are particularly aiming at helping teachers of English Language to keep abreast with cutting edge research. With this in mind, we'll be flagging up articles that are specifically relevant to GCSE and A-Level English Language and from time to time we'll also be providing links to classroom resources on our project website.