Millions of people around the world take part in large-scale
group discussions on the internet. These discussions have been likened to very
large-scale conversations. We
might wonder, therefore, whether the same kinds of gender differences exist in
computer-mediated discussions as have been noted in face-to-face discussions.
Herring set out to investigate this question by analysing four public
computer-mediated discourse samples from three academic discussion lists. In
some of the online discussions there were more male than female participants, while
in others there were more female participants. She found that in the male-predominant samples the discussion
took place over more days, contained longer messages on a single theme, and was
more argumentative in style. This behaviour can be thought of as paralleling what
researchers have found in previous studies on face-to-face communication, where
male speakers prefer a one-at-a-time pattern of speaking with one person holding
the floor at any one time, often speaking as an expert. In contrast, in face-to-face
communication female speakers prefer a collaborative floor with overlapping
speech and with utterances often jointly produced by all participants in the
conversation. In a somewhat similar way, and as expected, in Herring’s online samples
the female-dominant discussions contained shorter posts, multiple themes and there
was more agreement than disagreement. However, female contributors also showed some
more hierarchical patterns of behaviour, mainly in the all-female discussions. In
both female-predominant and male-predominant discussions, a small number of
active individuals, both women and men, tended to dominate, initiating topics, posting
the most messages and receiving the most responses.
Herring points out that we might expect to find a
‘one-at-a-time floor’ in computer-mediated discussions. Messages have to appear
in a chronological order and although we can interpret posting a message as taking
a turn in a conversation it is not possible to interrupt a post, as we can a
turn in speech. But the technology does not explain why the women in this study
took shorter turns overall, nor why there tended to be multiple themes to their
discussions and more agreement than disagreement. These findings, she
maintains, call for an explanation in terms of social rather than technological
factors. On the other hand, the fact that in same gender discussions women as
well as men dominate in participation and response rates calls for an
explanation in terms of power rather than gender.
Herring concludes that men and women are socialised to
manage conversational interaction differently, with men conventionally assigned
greater power and privilege in public floors, but with certain powerful floor
management practices available for use by empowered individuals of either
gender. This interpretation can be extended to face-to-face communication, too:
the different turn-taking styles that have been
attributed to men (who are thought to prefer a one-at-a-time style) and to
women (who seem to prefer a collaborative style) may be inherently power-based.
These styles then map onto gender in ways that associate more powerful
discourse management strategies with men rather than women.
Herring, S.C. (2010) Who’s got the floor in
computer-mediated conversation? Edelsky’s gender patterns revisited. Language@Internet, 7, article 8.
accessed March 29 2013
This summary was written by Jenny Cheshire
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